Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action | Video on TED.com

Building on today's earlier post about the opening of school, this blog (http://georgecouros.ca/blog/archives/721) post asked the question of "Why?". It is a great question and sent me to this TED video, which has nothing to do with education specifically, but about what it takes to inspire people to follow what you are trying to do.

As I think about my classes this year and I think about the integration of the kinds of technology that I want my students to use, whether it is a blog, VoiceThread, Timetoast, etc., and THE QUESTION I believe I have to be able to answer for them is "Why?". I can show them all of the greatest Web 2.0 tools that are available to them, and no doubt they can introduce me to even more. But, if I can't explain why I want them to use the technology then all it will be is another assignment to complete. If I can tell them WHY this individual piece of technology will help them not just with the assignment I am giving them, but beyond that, then I will have helped them to make a connection that will, hopefully, inspire them to do more then just the assignment.

This, then, has to be WHY I teach.

Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action Video on TED.com

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