Thursday, August 4, 2011

Photo Essay Solution?

So, I am going to have my students design and create a photo essay as their first real "tech" assignment of the year by asking them "When I think of the Constitution, I think of..."   The natural choice would be to go to Animoto and have them work from there.  However, I read about another tool called kizoa through one of the many valuable people I follow through Twitter.  (It am fairly sure it was @web20classroom, but if it wasn't I sincerely apologize and hope that you will comment below if it was you that tweeted about it.)  Anyway, as I played with Kizoa, I found that text could be written over the images that I was using.  Now, there may be a way to do this with Animoto, I just couldn't find out how to do it.  I thought this was great for my students because they could overlay their citation on the image, and not take time away from their photo essays.  The "finished" product is below, and while it is not perfect, it does represent a good exemplar for my students to start with and, hopefully, expand on.

When I think of the Constitution... - flash slideshow

Please let me know what you think, either of the assignment or kizoa in general.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I think that's an excellent introductory project. I'm not familiar with kizoa (but I will be soon!), but this seems like a pretty user/kid friendly way to start off using tech.